Friday, January 27, 2012

Enjoy Today, Plan for Tomorrow

Last night, a good buddy of mine asked me a question that got me thinking. I suggest you ask yourself the same thing. (You might as well buy stock in paper and pen companies for all the writing I'm asking you to do).

In so many words he asked, "What's your reasoning behind where you are today?"
That's a great question. It begs several others questions like, "why am I here?", "is this where I want to be?", and "what choices am I making today that will impact my future?"

I have had a reason for every one of my decisions, good or bad. The choices I've made in these decisions make me who I am today. The decisions and experiences I've encountered along the way have led me to my not-fully-developed-passion for entrepreneurship, my love for business, and helping others. I can't change my past. In many cases, I wouldn't. However, I can care enough today to make decisions that are better for the future.

So often we get caught up in one of the three tenses: past, present, or future. We dwell on the days of yesteryear, we freak out about today, or we dread or yearn for the future. This is a horrendous way to plow through life. I'm convinced that a healthy balance of these three is key to reaching your full potential in business, as well as other walks of life. Remembering the past (sometimes referred to as history), is a good thing; history repeats itself. What worked once may work again, and already-made mistakes don't need to be made twice. Knowing where we are today is also important, because it allows us to enjoy today, as well as plan for the future.

I'm a Christian, and I can't get away from what the Bible says about the subject: "Take no thought for the morrow," and "sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." I don't believe this is implying that we shouldn't plan. Rather, don't worry about tomorrow. Trust the One who is in control.

Man plans but God decides.

That being said, plan ahead.

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