Friday, January 20, 2012

The First of my Goals

My main objective for Flick is for it to be a conveyor. A place where you can come to get pertinent information. I set up a contact page so you can email in with questions you have. You'll find the link on the sidebar.

This may come as a surprise to you, but it turns out, I don't know it all. However, I am willing and able to learn, as well as teach. When you as young entrepreneurs, seasoned business people, and curious minds need a solid answer, don't hesitate to ask. That's what I want to be here for.

Replies to your questions will be via email, phone calls, lunch, formal meetings, or presentations. Pick your favorite.

You need to know where I'm learning my stuff. I've learned a ton by plunging into my own business, Eclipse Mobile Detail. (Check it out: I've learned about the first stages of business: sketching a business plan, marketing, sales (yes, even cold calling), partnerships, funding, customer relations, and a host of other things. I have a large networking team: A bundle of small business owners, recent entrepreneurs, previous college instructors, and business veterans from a myriad of industries fill my contact list as credible sources of reliable info. (I'll cover networking in depth in the future; it's an excellent thing.)

That's the first of my goals (more on goals later). For now, as so many of the successes I know have told me: "Plan your work and work your plan."

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