Monday, April 30, 2012

Focus Buddy, Focus..

Last week I exposed my plans of changing Flick around a bit. I'm going to start by narrowing the focus.

I realized that I'm covering a wide range of subjects. However, constantly leaping from one topic to the next is a sure way to lose touch with the real objective of the blog, as well as a great system for boring the audience. This is not my goal.

My goal is to learn and teach entrepreneurship.

Because this is a wide topic itself, there may still be some bouncing around. However, the main theme shall be contained within the subject of Young Entrepreneurship. I hope you like it.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The ADD Entrepreneur And Other Stories About Never Focusing

Here's a photo of my brain.. Basically.

I realized something about my brain that's so evident on my blog: The amount of focus of both is nearly zilch. I've covered topics ranging from being a good employee to my experiences in getting a job in North Dakota. Flick has been bouncing around to various subjects, successfully displaying no underlying objectives. Something must change. I think it's my responsibility to do so.

Here's what's I plan on doing: Create some structure, convey a clear message, focus on the message, implement a theme, and redesign the site.

Flick is off to a good start with well over a thousand hits so far. Now is a good time for change. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's It Worth?

I was thinking. It's always an interesting time when I think. During my thinking episode, I thought a thought. It went like this: "How do I add value? In all my doings in business, work, and school, where do i add the value I can add?" Another thought: why does adding value matter?

I came to this conclusion: Adding value in all walks of life is part of being different. It's part of being weird. It's part of challenging the status quo. That's what this blog is about.

I came up with a few suggestions for adding value at work, the first of which is this: Go the extra mile. Always. The surest way to provide value for an employer is to do more than you're told. Go above and beyond. Make it a habit.

Second, don't fall into the perilous Not-my-job Syndrome. This kills. Don't be bound by a job description. Just get over it and clean up the mess.

Lastly, keep your chin up. This is huge for fellow employees, your employer, and the customers. If I may quote Zig Ziglar, "Its your attitude, not your aptitude which determines your altitude."

Try out my theory and let me know how it worked for you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Monday morning found me in the observatory car on the Amtrak line, the Empire Builder. I decided that a great way to begin a week is to watch the sun rise over the Columbia River Gorge while munching on a four dollar breakfast of Frosted Flakes.

The train is a great way to travel, but I noticed many points in which Amtrak could improve their operation. I understand their Theory of Customer Service Apathy: "People are going to ride our train anyways because we're cheaper than flying or driving, why bother improving?" This is a somewhat revolting ideology, in my opinion. In my mind, Amtrak could raise the price of every ticket by $10, and more than pay for a staff member to be on board strictly to clean up garbage, scrub the bathrooms, vacuum the carpets, and change light bulbs. This would result in a far more pleasant experience for the customers and the staff, which wouldn't be half-bad.

This is from an outsider's perspective. I don't know how they work their operation. Maybe I just had the train with the least customer-minded staff.

Don't get me wrong, I still suggest the train as a way to travel. $140 from Williston to Vancouver. Not bad.

A sharp blast from the train horn mounted atop the engine signaled our arrival. We pulled into the Vancouver train station at 9:25 am.

I'm home, and the adventure is about to begin.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Something That Scares You

I know, I know.. It's a video blogpost, and I'm in North Dakota. Don't ask me how I shot, edited, uploaded, and posted a video blogpost while in the forsaken town of Tioga, ND.

This is about overcoming fear. It's a little motivational clip that might just prompt you to do something that scares you today. Or you can just sit there, ignore my message, and not do something.

Do something, my friend.