Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Yeah, they're awesome. My meeting with the SCORE advisor was great. It really is what they make it out to be. It's free, professional consulting for business owners. That's cool.

I met with Bill, who spent forty(ish) years in the insurance industry as a risk management specialist. He was very helpful in bringing forth a perspective that is easily over-looked amongst the zeal of the young entrepreneur: the risk factor. If you're diving into a new project, there's often potential for a large payout. Being focused on that is good, but the risk can't be swept under the rug.

It turns out, there's risk everywhere. If you don't like risk, stay in bed. You might get bedsores though, and that's risky too. The people who take the big risks are the ones who receive the payout. The ones that are exceptionally risky often are exceptionally successful. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Steve Jobs wouldn't have been successes if they hadn't taken risks. If they hadn't challenged the status quo. If they hadn't been different, they would've been the same as everyone else.

Yeah, it's risky to be different. In my opinion, it's worth it.

Oh yeah. SCORE is great. Double thumbs up, guys.

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