Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Name

So, because you're curious about the name I chose, I'm writing a quick note to explain it.

Here's a picture: In a far away land, not at all like your own, is some tall, red cliffs. I like the looks of these cliffs. They are majestic, mystical, and a wonder to behold. In my minds eye, there are hundreds of young potential entrepreneurs perched on the edge, their legs dangling precariously, their hang-gliders strapped to their backs. They are so close to jumping. So close to letting go of the security of the solid ground. Yet, without a bit of coaxing, they're afraid to move a muscle. Someone needs to show them it can be done. Someone needs to be there to encourage them, help them, and show them how it works. Someone needs to give them a hard flick on the back of the neck.

I'm the Flick.

It's a weird analogy, but I think it works.

The security of the solid ground for today's young people is often school, a current job, or a lack of motivation. I believe there are many people today who are yearning for a flick in the neck. They're wishing someone would give them a just a little more confidence so they can work toward their goal of being an entrepreneur. Many haven't yet found the passion of being in business. Still more are afraid to take the first step. Some need a sounding board to bounce ideas off of.

I strive to be that guy. The guy that helps, educates (and learns), and motivates. It's my passion.
 I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the guy at the bottom of the picture got "flicked" before he got wings...
